Sunday, December 14, 2008


It was a cold, snowing, blowing, miserable day. The perfect day to be cuddled up in sweats and sitting by the fireplace. No such luck for me. I spent my day investigating crashes and standing out in the cold. Dealing with people who have just experienced one of the bigger investments being demolished. Working a 10 hours shift not having enough time to stop by the house for a cup of hot chocolate. I felt like I was the only working officer around and did it all myself. Notice I said "FELT." I was a little discouraged. I was broken (Grumpy, grouchy and a little mad).
Nothing could help me now. I came home late because that's just how my day went. I pulled into the driveway and saw Kyler, behind my snow blower, and a perfectly clean driveway. WOW!!
Did I see that right? Did I bump my head? My son Kyler?

Kyler met me with a smile..... Guess what I did Dad? I went through the neighbor hood and clean snow off of driveways for people who couldn't do it themselves.......


A parent always wonders if their children really hear and listen when they talk. We wonder what our kids will grow up to be like. Will they grow up to be helpful, to serve others and to be a good neighbor? Today he was!!!!

So, needless to say my mood was changed...... I have been reminded by one of my Hero's, My Son, that although I spent my day in the cold....... At work............ Away from my Hot Choco and Family......... I was Helping others, in their time of need... when they couldn't do it themselves.....


i lOVE yOU kYLER !!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my Sanity !!

The last month has been so crazy around here I can't even think straight. With the boys playing Basketball and getting ready for the Holidays, I'm swamped. All week while I'm at work I look forward to my days off, but when I finally get one, my little princess keeps me so busy, nothing around the house gets done. Cooking, Cleaning, bath time and playtime. I have neglected hanging my Christmas lights and shoveling the snow. I AM getting better at ponytails !!

But I have stolen little time to work on something special for Jessica for Christmas. I can't give it away yet!

Kyler has been suffering from a broken Clavicle.... (Collar Bone) He had to miss most of the b ball season but stills offers support by going to the games. Kyler and his buddies were messing around at school and taking turns tackling each other while the other wasn't looking. I'm sure it was all in fun but when Kyler was tackled he landed wrong and SNAP !! Off to the DR. office.

He is a strong kid though, I can't keep him down. He does way more than the Dr. says he should. We'll just rest him up for baseball season.

Zachary is now finishing up the B Ball season. Saturday is his last game. Zac is the oldest and biggest on his team and a lot is expected from him. Sports don't come as natural to Zac as they do to Kyler but Zac is one of the best on the team. I'm not saying the other kids suck. I'm saying Zac trys hard and practices hard to be good. I have the chance to be an assistant coach for both Zac and Kyler so I get to practice them where they need it. Zac is a rebounding fool now. Sorry no picture of Zac crashing the boards.

Jessica and I attempted our very 1st ever Xmas card. It was a lovely experience. The lighting was difficult and the camera settings didn't seem to work out just right. But we made it through it as most of you know, You probably already have the card.

I was being used as a dummy and I wasn't maintaining my cool..

I don't even know how she does that.

Kyler and Zac were ready!!!!! Alyvia and DAD still messing around...

But when it all comes together, and we remember what the Christmas Season is all about.




(presents) no just kidding

You get PERFECTION !!!